Insurance Companies

To meet regulatory requirements and accurately assess risks, insurance professionals collect sensitive data, including KYC, personal, financial, and possibly medical information.

Therefore, it is essential for insurers to implement security measures that comply with regulatory requirements (such as GDPR, ACPR regulations, and possibly medical confidentiality), and ensure absolute confidentiality of the sensitive data they handle.

Seald enables you to integrate data security into your applications that meets the highest standards through end-to-end encryption.

Seald Secures Sensitive
Insurance Information


Seald encrypts data exclusively for authorized individuals, ensuring that no intermediaries can decrypt it. This guarantees confidentiality, even in the event of a data breach.


End-to-end encryption is the most robust encryption method available and is designed to meet the strictest regulatory requirements, such as GDPR or business confidentiality.


Seald is the only CSPN-certified solution in Europe that facilitates the integration of end-to-end encryption into applications.

Use Cases for Insurers

Private Chat

Real-time messaging in the insurance industry involves highly sensitive information that must adhere to strict security and privacy standards.

End-to-end encryption ensures that messages, documents, and other exchanged data are secure by design, with access limited to authorized users only. This means that even you, as the service provider, will not be able to decrypt the data, maintaining the confidentiality required by industry regulations and protecting client information.

Secure File Storage

Data breaches are wreaking havoc around the world, particularly in the insurance industry. When an application involves the storage, collection, and sharing of sensitive insurance information, users place their trust in it to function as a secure repository, ensuring the utmost protection for their data.

Our SDK is specially designed with industry compliance in mind, adhering to stringent regulatory standards for the protection of sensitive information. This ensures that data is handled in accordance with legal requirements, safeguarding it against unauthorized access and maintaining client confidentiality.

Confidential Form

Collecting sensitive insurance data often involves clients filling out forms for various reasons, such as applying for a policy, filing a claim, updating personal information, or requesting a quote. Ensuring end-to-end security and compliance with industry regulations for this data is critical.

Seald employs end-to-end encryption to safeguard form data from the moment it is collected. Only authorized users can access and read this data, ensuring both security and privacy. Seald is designed to be seamless and transparent to the end user, providing a smooth experience while upholding robust data protection for all client information.


The Only End-to-End Encryption SDK Certified in France

This certification attests that the Seald SDK is a robust product with regards to the cryptographic issues at stake and that it has been implemented correctly.


Seamlessly integrate end-to-end encryption into any application with our developer-friendly SDK.

import SealdSDK from '@seald-io/sdk'

// Initialize the SDK
const seald = SealdSDK({ apiURL, appId })
// Create your Seald identity
await seald.initiateIdentity({ signupJWT })
// Encrypt a message for another user
const encryptedMessage = await seald.encryptMessage(
  'Super secret message',
   { userIds: ['BOB_002'] }

// And *voilà*!
const message = await seald.decryptMessage(encryptedMessage)